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Whilst yoga frees my body and mind - creating art definitely feeds my soul. 


Long before I'd even heard of a downward dog, I was always drawing, painting or making things. Mostly self-taught, I use mixed media - paint, inks, collage, charcoal... what ever I can get my hands on really.  

I have a little shed in the bottom of my garden which is where I do most of my painting, and there's a sign on the door that states, 'To you it may only be a shed, but to me it's a sanctuary'.  And indeed it is.  When I'm lost in a painting, then it's like my own meditation.  I'm in the flow... hours go by and I'm blissfully unaware. 

Art is also my yoga.

Wall mural in Antigua, Guatamala

Painting a mural in Antigua, Guatemala, 2018

30 day Painting challenge

In January 2021, I took part in a 30 day painting challenge to raise money for prostrate cancer research (due to my dad having the disease)

I had to paint over the same painting each day, letting my intuition guide me and having courage to let go of what went before.  As well as raising over £500, it look me on a journey where I learned way more about myself than I'd expected - kicking down the walls of comfort town for sure! 

To read the press article about this challenge in the Westmorland Gazette...

"Art is unquestionably one of the purist and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and I through the mind. As the sun colours flowers,

so does art colour life."

John Lubbock (1834-1913) "The Pleasures of Life"

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